Starting to prep for Anime Boston 2017!
While we have been talking about ideas for 2017's Anime Boston lineup since before 2016's Anime Boston even happened, only in the last few months have we started to really pin down some solid plans. These are ALWAYS subject to change of course (this time last year I was still trying to figure out my FFX cosplay and was getting really discouraged!) but I feel really good about my choices this year and don't plan on changing them. My feelings going into this this year are already different as well. I know what to expect. I know that if I somehow mess up HORRIBLY and can't get a costume together, I can always use one of the three I used last year as a worst case scenario. It feels really good to have a backup! Anyways, this year will be a little different as far as group cosplays. First, we have a few new people joining us for 2017. One is a friend of Amie's that I haven't met yet. I don't know a lot about her, but I am excited to meet another cosplayer!...