
Showing posts from March, 2016

It was the night before the con...

It is the night before the Con, and Nichole and I will be flying the red-eye flight to Boston from Denver Colorado. Will we be able to sleep on the plane? Will the plane be packed full of people? Will all of our carefully packed costumes make it in one piece?!?! Dun Dun DUNNNNNN! Our bags are packed, everything that can be done is finished, and hopefully we get a nap in before the flight! I had left out a few of my final touches to things in my previous blogs, so while I have some down time at work I will try and post all the missing details I had left out! Day one: Morgiana from Magi As mentioned before, Nichole made the dress for me, and it fits perfect! Here are some closeups of some of the accessories I made for Morgiana: Sandals: I had bought these cheap one size fits all roman sandals from Spirit if Halloween (LOVE that store) but the shoes ...they sucked. They would not stay on my feet, and even sewing the straps tighter did not keep them in place. So, I removed the...

First impressions and finding my role in the group

As Anime Boston swiftly approaches, a menacing clock looms over our shoulders while we frantically finish our costumes and apply the final details. With each pull of the thread the clock ticks menacingly, each dab of glue and spray of paint we were suddenly missing time and suddenly it is a month later! AHHHH! As I sat sewing leather straps to my favorite sandals for my Morgiana cosplay, idly watching M.A.S.H. in the background, I pondered what drove me to this madness. Of course I was enjoying being crafty, the thrill of being able to show of my love of anime and my favorite t.v. shows, but with every stitch I couldn't help but wonder what I was getting myself into. Would I ever be the same again? Of course I can always blame Nichole for getting me into this. She was the one who had gotten into cosplay first, and despite moving all the way to Colorado, she wouldn't miss Anime Boston for anything. I know I will be in safe hands (more or less) for Anime Boston, I know ...

Final Fantasy Ten- Moogle Cosplay

As I posted in my first entry, FFX was a struggle for me as I had never played that particular game (though I do recall watching my brothers play Final Fantasy 7 when we were growing up). Luckily Cat suggested (at Nichole's plea for help because she could see I was getting frustrated- steam was probably coming out of my ears) that I cosplay a moogle. This was great because unlike the other two cosplays, I get to use a little creativity and add my own flair. I just needed a few things to make myself look moogle-like, and then I could do what I want from there. First, here is a moogle: What is a moogle? It's a creature that is summoned by the character Lulu. It will protect her in battle by kicking things. (I can kick things!) They look like a cross between a cat and a bat, and they mimic the moves that Lulu does. Photo credit: Bangbez on Deviant art As my best friend Nichole will be cosplaying Lulu, this works out as I get to mimic her all day. Anyways, to...

Morgiana- Magi Cosplay!

It was after Halloween and time to start working on the harder cosplays. While my internal debate over who the heck I will dress up as for FFX was still raging on, I knew at least who I will be for our Magi cosplay and this makes things easier. Step one: Research! (This was done before Halloween) I had to watch the anime Magi to first figure out who I would like to cosplay from the show.  It didn't take long at all for me to fall in love with the character Morgiana, who was quiet but feisty, and a loyal friend to her comrades in the show. Here she is rescuing main character Alibaba from trouble again Step Two: Now that I have picked a character, time to write down what I need to make this character happen! __Wig __Dress and Belt __Necklace __Leg wrap/shoe __(Optional) Bracelets __(Optional) Red contacts __White short shorts to go under dress in case the material is thin! I made a journal (which I got from an awesome friend!) to help keep me organi...